Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee will comprise of at least 3 trustees nominated by the Board. The role of the Nominations Committee is to:

  • Review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge, experience and diversity) of the board and make recommendations with regard to any changes.
  • Consider succession planning for directors and other senior
  • Maintain an up-to-date skills matrix detailing the skills, experience and knowledge available to, and required by, the Board. The Committee should keep under review the leadership needs of the organisation, both executive and non-executive, with a view to ensuring the continued ability of the organisation to achieve its strategic and operational objectives

The Chair of the DCF will Chair the Nominations Committee, save if in consideration of the appointment or reappointment of the Chair, where it shall be chaired by an appointed trustee such as the Senior Independent Trustee.

Members: Chris Hartley (Chair), Bob Blenkinsop (Trustee), Dave Jepson (Trustee) and Claire Twells (Trustee)

Meeting Frequency: 1 meeting a year

Next Meeting: September 2021


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